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Coriolus versicolor - butterfly bramble

Coriolus has an immunostimulant and antitumor effect.

January 24, 2021
Petra Remsing – veterinary practitioner

The Coriolus is found all over the world. It grows on dead trunks and stumps of trees, but rarely on conifers. It is one of the most sought-after medicinal mushrooms by the Chinese and Japanese.

It inhibits the formation of tumors. Its polysaccharides PSK and PSP have cell-damaging effects on cancer cells. PSK (Krestin) reduces the growth of blood vessels (angiogenesis) and thus the spread of the tumor. PSP initiates the self-destruction (apoptosis) of the tumor cell. The immune system needs support from the age of 7 in dogs and from the age of 10 in cats.

More than half of all animals over 10 years of age die from tumor diseases. Coriolus can be administered as a preventive measure for immune support and prevention of cancer. In animals in the final stage of cancer, the intake of Coriolus leads to an improvement in the quality of life.

In veterinary medicine, it is also used for radiation, before and during chemotherapy, and for hormone-dependent tumors, such as mammary tumors.

The antiviral properties of Coriolus strengthen the immune system and form an effective protection against pathogens. This medicinal mushroom also has an antibacterial and antifungal effect on various pathogens and is effective against parasitic infestations.

Indications for use of Coriolus versicolor

  • Elimination of toxins (poisons)
  • Bacterial diseases
  • Lyme disease
  • Energy enhancement for chronic diseases
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth
  • Skin and intestinal fungal diseases
  • Hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis
  • Cancer, also preventive
  • Parasite infestation
  • Radiation damage
  • Viral diseases

For mushroom powders there are many suppliers

You will find trustworthy suppliers with controlled organic cultivation in Germany, but unfortunately also less recommendable importers of cheap goods. Read what is important when buying.

Note: The described effects are based on the intake of medicinal mushroom powder prepared from the whole mushroom. Please consult your pet therapist before use.

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