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Vital mushrooms - Naturally healthy
Vital mushrooms are considered a real “superfood” and have their origin in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Here you will get an overview of the most important representatives and their fields of application.
Vital mushrooms have a permanent place in nature’s pharmacy cabinet. From arteriosclerosis to diabetes to cancer, there is a fungus for almost every ailment. The ingredients of mushrooms such as reishi, shiitake and hericium have a gentle but lasting effect. Vital mushrooms support the immune system, drive detoxification and provide targeted support for body functions that are out of balance. The basis of a successful therapy as well as prevention is always the right combination and dosage of the various vital mushrooms.
What are vital mushrooms?
Mushrooms have existed on our planet for around 130 million years. They belong neither to the plants nor to the animals, but form a separate kingdom of eukaryotic creatures, but possess a metabolism very similar to that of mammals. Vital mushrooms are now such tree or edible mushrooms that can exert a medicinal effect on the human and animal organism. The term “medicinal mushroom” is used here synonymously with “vital mushroom”. Many of the ingredients of these fabulous plants are now well researched and modern science continues to confirm their effectiveness in new studies. Since they are so-called “adaptogens” – that is, tonics – healing with mushrooms always aims at an optimal balance of bodily processes. Weakened functions are thus promoted, while excessive reactions are mitigated.
Long before the conventional medicine known to us, healers all over the world were already familiar with the Mycotherapy knowledgeable. Each knew about the powers of the respective native mushrooms in their habitat. Today we have the great advantage of being able to access and cultivate the most powerful vital mushrooms in the entire world. Many of them originate from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which has never lost sight of healing with mushrooms over the centuries. Their healers have retained the knowledge that only the use of the whole mushroom makes sense. Active ingredients obtained by means of extraction are not comparable to this, as the various substances in a fungus reinforce each other’s effect and develop perfect synergies.
Free telephone consultation
A specially trained expert team of mycotherapists is available at the institute for a personal and individual consultation.
We will advise you individually and personally on your health issues.
Ingredients of vital mushrooms
- anticarcinogenic
- antiviral
- antibacterial
- fungicide
- antioxidant
- antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, glutathione and laccase
- Enzymes that suppress cell proliferation (rapid cell growth and division) such as glucose-2-oxidase and protease.
- Detoxifying enzymes such as peroxidases, monoxygenases, dehydrogenases and reductases.
Beta-glucans and glycoproteins
Overview - which vital mushrooms are there and what can they do?
The intake of vital mushrooms is useful both in the context of prevention and therapy. In the following overview of the 14 most important vital mushrooms, we provide information on the respective strengths and characteristic properties as well as on the most important areas of application.
Agaricus bisporus - mushroom

Agaricus blazei murrill (ABM)

Auricularia polytricha

Chaga (Chaga)

Coprinus comatus

Cordyceps sinensis

Coriolus versicolor

Hericium erinaceus


Pleurotus ostreatus

Polyporus umbellatus

Poria cocos



Exemplary areas of action of the vital mushrooms
How do vital mushrooms detoxify the organism?
How do vital mushrooms strengthen the immune system?
Since vital mushrooms generally promote health, they always have a positive effect on the immune system. Some fungi also specifically support the TH1 immune response, which is responsible for killing infected or degenerate cells. This prevents the spread of the disease in the body. The decisive factor in any immune response is the return to a healthy state of equilibrium, which, however, is not achieved in many people. Many are in a chronic state of inflammation due to, for example, obesity or other diseases of civilization. Vital mushrooms with their equally anti-inflammatory and immune-strengthening ingredients can support the immune system bring the immune system back into a healthy balance.
Medicinally active fungi have already proven effective in the treatment of HIV, herpes simplex, hepatitis B and C, and influenza, among others. In addition, there are microbiotic pathogens, including bacteria that are considered multi-resistant. Due to the immune-boosting properties, non-specific symptoms such as chronic fatigue or frequently recurring colds usually disappear.
Moreover, healing with mushrooms also makes sense in the case of excessive reactions of the immune system. These are the cause of certain autoimmune diseases, allergies and intolerances. As adaptogens, vital mushrooms harmonize the defense processes in the body in such a way that affected persons experience significantly fewer symptoms, and in some cases even no longer perceive any impairments at all.
Can I take vital mushrooms for cancer?
Which vital mushrooms can I take to lose weight?
When do vital mushrooms work?
Basically, the effect of vital mushrooms can be felt immediately after the first intake. However, since these are mostly chronic diseases that have existed for many years, naturopathic therapy should be applied rather months. However, the advantage is clearly that there are no side effects. Only the detoxification processes and prebiotic properties may initially cause digestive discomfort or other harmless phenomena. That is why it is usually recommended to start with a low dose and gradually increase it. As the dose increases and the period of use progresses, you will also feel the effect more and more clearly. For exact dosage, please consult our experts. General grams or capsules per day are not reliable, because the dose depends very much on your individual problems and physical constitution.
Where can I buy vital mushrooms?
When looking for a trustworthy supplier of vital mushrooms, be sure to look for high quality standards. This includes the fact that the powder offered is made from the whole mushroom. Responsible growers also ensure that drying takes place at no more than 40° Celsius. This is the only way to preserve all the ingredients, including heat-sensitive enzymes and proteins, which are so important for your health. Of course, the cultivation should adhere to organic guidelines. Only if all contact with toxins is excluded during growth can a safe product be created. In the body, only these pure vital mushrooms act as catalysts that efficiently dissolve toxins and bring them to excretion.
When can I take vital mushrooms?
If you suffer from physical or psychological problems, it is always worthwhile to research suitable vital mushrooms. The fastest and most reliable way to find the right mushrooms for you is to contact our expert consultants. Although you don’t have to fear serious side effects, a sophisticated treatment plan based on sound expertise is the key to tackling your condition as efficiently as possible. It doesn’t matter if you are troubled by bloating, skin rash, persistent infections or joint pain. Against almost every physical ailment in this world has grown a vital mushroom.
For mushroom powders there are many suppliers
You will find trustworthy suppliers with controlled organic cultivation in Germany, but unfortunately also less recommendable importers of cheap goods. Read what is important when buying.

Every person is unique!
Our experienced team will be happy to advise you in detail and free of charge on all matters relating to your health.
We will gladly take time for you. In our free consultation, we answer all your health questions individually and personally. We are looking forward to meeting you!