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Cure diabetes naturally

Metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus type 2

July 23, 2021
Dr. Dorothee Bös et al.

Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a disease that in most cases is due to an unfavorable lifestyle. Too much fat, animal products, sugar, white flour and predominantly sedentary activities unbalance blood sugar in the long run.

Conversely, a healthy lifestyle avoids diabetes and may even alleviate or cure it naturally. Find out here exactly how diabetes type 2 develops and how you can efficiently counter the disease with the power of vital mushrooms as well as a healthy diet.

Diabetes - avoidable suffering

Diabetes is one of the common diseases that is particularly closely linked to our dietary and exercise habits. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), a good 7% of adult Germans have diagnosed diabetes. In addition, the RKI assumes at least about 2% of the population whose diabetes is not (yet) known. Type 2 diabetes mellitus accounts for around 90% of all cases. It is also becoming more common among children and adolescents. In the past ten years, the number of newly ill children has increased fivefold. These facts are all the more dramatic because it is quite possible to lower high blood sugar naturally before medication is even necessary.

What are the types of diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus is also popularly known as “diabetes”. Doctors distinguish here between type 1 and type 2 under normal circumstances. In addition, there is a diabetes that only occurs under “other circumstances”, namely gestational diabetes. It is related to the many physical changes during pregnancy and in most cases disappears on its own after delivery. Additionally known is the late adult-onset, presumably autoimmune type LADA.

In this article we will focus on the most common type of diabetes, namely diabetes mellitus type 2. As you will see, its development is primarily due to unfavorable dietary and lifestyle habits, which is why it is relatively easy to cure naturally. Type 1 diabetes, on the other hand, is an autoimmune disease that occurs at a young age. This can be influenced by the right diet only insofar as certain foods and vital mushrooms have a regulating effect on the immune system. We will also talk about this at the appropriate point.

Weiße Anführungszeichen in dunkelblauem Kreis
Mrs. R. M. from Ulm

"My diabetes level is almost constant now. It's great that hypoglycemia no longer occurs even during sports and other activities. My condition has normalized. I am very satisfied and often tell others about my success," Ms. R. M. from Ulm tells us. She takes the medicinal mushrooms Coprinus and Maitake.

Who is at risk from diabetes?

We determine the risk of developing type 2 diabetes to a large extent ourselves through our lifestyle habits. Basically, an unhealthy diet, which is also characterized primarily by processed and animal foods, and lack of exercise are the greatest risk factors. However, the connection is not direct. First, the poor eating habits and lack of exercise lead to obesity and fatty liver. Especially with a lot of abdominal fat, the risk of developing a so-called metabolic syndrome then increases rapidly. This syndrome is characterized by the combination of obesity, high blood pressure, and elevated blood glucose and blood lipid levels that are so common today.

Conversely, studies show that type 2 diabetics are very often overweight and suffer from hypertension. In addition, there is usually a metabolic disorder characterized by abnormal processing of carbohydrates and fat. One phenomenon, for example, is insulin resistance, which is typical for diabetics. After a brief digression on the consequences of diabetes, we will explain exactly what this means.

What are the consequences of diabetes?

Over time, diabetes mellitus becomes a heavy burden for the entire organism. If blood sugar cannot be lowered naturally or controlled with medication at an early stage, a kind of internal caramelization occurs. This means that various protein structures in the organism become saccharified – this is measured with the HbA1c, the saccharified hemoglobin, also called blood sugar long-term value. In addition, circulatory disturbances occur, which in principle can affect all organs and limbs. In this way, diabetes leads to a wide variety of secondary diseases, such as:

  • Kidney problems to failure
  • Blindness
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Cancer
  • Susceptibility to infections and reduced vaccination successes
  • Dementia
  • Pancreatic insufficiency (pancreas), which seriously impairs digestion
  • Amputation
  • Polyneuropathies
  • Cardiovascular diseases

Overall, the so-called diabetes leads to a significantly lower quality of life. In addition, the life expectancy of diabetics is statistically below the general average. It is quite easy to cure diabetes naturally and thus regain more quality of life and, above all, more years of life.

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Where does diabetes come from?

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease. It is already predisposed in the genes of those affected. In short, the body’s own immune defenses turn against the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. This impairs their function. The production of insulin decreases, sugar can no longer reach the cells and all body cells are increasingly poorly supplied with vital energy. Fat is burned instead of sugar and the person loses weight. The high level of sugar in the blood increases the feeling of thirst so that the sugar can be excreted through the urine. Type 1 diabetics must supply artificial insulin. The central adjusting screw for alternative medicine here is the avoidance of late effects and a balancing of the immune system.

Type 2 diabetes, on the other hand, has nothing to do with heredity – apart from “inherited” eating habits and a certain family predisposition. Almost anyone can get such diabetes. The starting point is usually a poor diet, in which the organism is supplied with far more energy than it needs and at the same time vital substances and fibers are far too scarce. Typical are also irregular meals as well as relatively short breaks in which no calories are taken in – ideally there should be 4h between meals in which only water and tea are drunk. In particular, saturated fatty acids and simple carbohydrates promote the development of diabetes. This is often compounded by a lack of exercise.

The excess energy demands an enormous amount of power from the pancreas. It must produce vast quantities of insulin. Insulin is responsible for getting sugar out of the blood and into the cells. There, the cellular power plants burn it to produce energy. Once all cells are saturated, the remaining sugar initially remains in the blood. If food intake is then still continued, the blood glucose level rises steadily. The pancreas produces more and more insulin to cope with the situation. Now, another task of insulin is to store sugar in the form of fat (triglycerides) in depots and as glycogen in muscle and liver cells. Because of these mechanisms, we humans are able to store lavish meals and feast on them in times of need. However, today there are no more times of need …

What is diabetes mellitus?

If someone eats frequently or eats the wrong thing, it puts a tremendous strain on the liver and pancreas. The latter exhausts itself over time and produces less and less insulin. At this point, artificial insulin must be supplied from the outside. However, if blood sugar can be lowered naturally and kept under control, the pancreas can recover and produce the necessary insulin itself.

If large amounts of insulin are released frequently, but the cells are already oversaturated, this leads to a so-called “insulin resistance” of the cells. This refers to the fact that more and more insulin is needed to transport the same amount of sugar into the cell. This is another reason for the pancreas to produce more and more insulin. In addition, insulin resistance has a negative effect on the kidneys, which become overloaded. As a result, more sodium and water remain in the vessels, driving up blood pressure. Finally, insulin also inhibits fat burning. This exacerbates the already existing problem of obesity.

Inflammation poses an additional threat to the insulin-producing beta cells. These occur frequently in the course of a diabetes disease. In particular, saturated fatty acids and cholesterol fire them up. Ultimately, the beta cells can be irreversibly damaged by the inflammation. As you will see in a moment, a healthy diet in combination with vital mushrooms can also help at this point, as it counteracts inflammation.

Where does diabetes start?

The problem with diabetes is that it is often detected very late. In the advanced stage, however, the blood sugar level no longer drops and the body has already sustained damage. That is why it is very important to look out for the first signs of metabolic syndrome, which usually precedes diabetes. Pay attention to the following indicators:
  • Overweight with belly fat
  • Insulin resistance
  • low HDL level, elevated cholesterol level
  • elevated triglycerides (> 150 mg / dl) and uric acid
  • Hypertension
Metabolic syndrome leads to arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases such as strokes and heart attacks. Nevertheless, conventional treatments usually address only individual symptoms of metabolic syndrome, such as high blood pressure or elevated cholesterol. However, this does not sustainably reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease or diabetes. To really get to grips with the problem and avert the life-threatening dangers that accompany it, a holistic approach is needed. This provides for a healthy, plant-based diet and sufficient exercise. For support, it is recommended to take selected medicinal mushrooms. Within a few weeks, you can drastically reduce your risk of diabetes.

Basics of nutrition in diabetes

To properly understand the development of diabetes, you need a little nutritional knowledge. The first question to clarify is where the sugar in the blood comes from in the first place. It is by no means the case that only sugar from food causes blood sugar levels to rise. Rather, the body converts all carbohydrates and, to some extent, proteins into sugar. Simple carbohydrates, such as those from white flour, are converted more quickly than complex carbohydrates, such as those found in whole grain products. One way to lower blood sugar levels naturally, therefore, is to eat as little or no simple carbohydrates as possible, preferring instead to eat complex carbohydrates from real whole grains, legumes or vegetables.

In addition to sugar and carbohydrates, fat plays a decisive role in type 2 diabetes. It has already been indicated that saturated fatty acids and cholesterol damage the beta cells. In addition, they drive insulin resistance and block energy burning in muscle cells. Eventually, a fatty liver develops, which generally inhibits metabolism. So food choices play a crucial role in the development of diabetes, but also in the approach to cure diabetes naturally.

How can I prevent diabetes?

The following dietary advice applies both to the prevention of diabetes and to the alleviation of an existing condition. Studies show that up to 95% of all cases of type 2 diabetes can be controlled within a few weeks with the right diet. Blood sugar levels and cholesterol drop significantly towards the end of this period. Research has proven that a whole food plant-based diet is effective in preventing and curing type 2 diabetes (Dr. Neal Barnard et al.) – experience confirms this. In this regard, mushrooms and beans in particular can be said to have the strongest effect. Other important measures are:


To counter diabetes in a natural way, sufficient exercise is important. This does not necessarily mean competitive sports. Just a brisk walk every day can go a long way. Ideally, you should move for about 20 minutes after each meal. This is helpful in preventing the blood sugar level from rising so much after the meal.


The basis for good digestion is thorough chewing. Grinding the food with the teeth and salivating it helps to break down the nutrients. In addition, thorough chewing makes the feeling of satiety come sooner.

Three meals per day

Three meals a day are enough. Long breaks between meals are important so that blood sugar and insulin levels drop and fat burning begins. You should consume the most energy in the morning and the least in the evening. If you need a snack, resort to nuts or low-carb vegetables like cucumber whenever possible.

The right carbohydrates

Always give preference to long-chain carbohydrates, such as those found in real whole-grain products with whole grains – i.e., preferably without flour. The glycemic index can also help you here as an indicator. It shows how quickly and strongly a food causes blood glucose levels to rise. Sugar and white flour as well as artificially added fructose score particularly poorly here. The main component of daily meals should be vegetables, salads, legumes and mushrooms because of their low energy density. Fruit is also valuable for your health. If you already suffer from diabetes, you should initially prefer to eat less sweet fruit, such as apples, pears or berries. Above all, a high fiber content is crucial, so always consume as unprocessed and whole fruit as possible.

Secondary plant substances

In addition to a favorable balance of macronutrients, fruits, vegetables and mushrooms are characterized by a high content of phytochemicals. Antioxidants, in particular, play a central role in curing diabetes naturally by alleviating the permanently smoldering inflammation in the body. Omega 3 fatty acids, which are abundant in linseed oil and freshly ground flaxseed, also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Overall, flaxseeds have a very favorable ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids.

Can you cure diabetes naturally with vital mushrooms?

The valuable ingredients of vital mushrooms

You have probably already asked yourself in advance why mushrooms are used at all in alternative medicine for diabetes. The answer to this lies in the many healthy ingredients of vital mushrooms: First of all, they are full of vitamins, such as vitamin E and ergosterol – a precursor of vitamin D. In addition, they contain many B vitamins. These are particularly important for diabetics, as they have an increased need. Vitamins B1 and B3 play the most important role.

Besides vitamins, mushrooms contain many different minerals. For diabetics, magnesium, chromium and zinc are particularly relevant here. To build cells, the body also needs the eight essential amino acids, which are also all found in vital mushrooms. The same applies to the eight essential sugars (glyconutrients), which play an important role in cell communication. After all, mushrooms are generally low in calories and contain hardly any fat, but plenty of fiber, which promotes the “slimming bacteria”. That is why mushroom dishes are a valuable addition to any diet. They saturate well and especially long-lasting. This prevents cravings from occurring in the first place.

What do medicinal mushrooms do for diabetes?

Medicinal mushrooms can be a great support when it comes to curing diabetes naturally. Thus, the best way to fight type 2 diabetes is to change your diet, exercise as much as possible, and take the medicinal mushrooms that are right for you to support the whole process. Unlike conventional medicines, mushrooms do not have any side effects. For this reason alone, they are always worth a try. They help lower blood sugar naturally and support metabolism overall. Thus, on the one hand, they address the causes of diabetes, but on the other hand, they also reduce its symptoms and lower the risk of serious long-term consequences.

For example, the zinc from medicinal mushrooms strengthens the beta cells in the pancreas. Comatin from the fungus Coprinus comatus and vitamin B1 counteract the saccharification of protein structures, and chromium increases the number of insulin receptors on cells. In this way, insulin acts more efficiently and sugar metabolism can proceed undisturbed. In addition, chromium, together with vitamin B3, is involved in the synthesis of glucose tolerance factor (GTF). The GTF in turn regulates blood glucose levels together with insulin. These are just a few helpful aspects of medicinal mushrooms in diabetes. In the following we explain the modes of action of the most important vital mushrooms for diabetics in more detail.

Coprinus comatus

The most important vital mushroom for diabetics is Coprinus comatus due to its many positive effects on blood sugar as well as the various accompanying symptoms of diabetes. As mentioned above, it contains comatin, which prevents the harmful saccharification of proteins. In addition, its ingredients reduce sugar absorption, have a sugar-lowering, antioxidant and additional anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it shows protective properties regarding beta cells and shows a general beneficial property against metabolic syndrome. It is also often used to support weight loss. Cravings due to a rapid drop in previously high blood glucose levels become much less frequent. In addition, Coprinus contains ingredients that can increase the feeling of satiety. Studies have shown that as early as ten hours after the first intake of Coprinus comatus, blood glucose levels drop slightly. After eleven days, a significant decrease can be observed. Thus, the Coprinus can lower blood sugar naturally. Another important substance from Coprinus comatus is comatin. This counteracts the saccharification of protein structures in the body. In addition, this mushroom is rich in antioxidants. They are enormously important for counteracting possible consequential damage from diabetes. The anti-inflammatory function of antioxidants is particularly relevant here. Coprinus is also known among mushroom specialists for its effect on the digestive tract. It can relieve bothersome cramps and regulate bowel movements. As a result, the entire metabolism runs more smoothly. In addition, blood lipid levels decrease when taking Coprinus, which is a great help in the fight against obesity and metabolic syndrome. Due to its protective effect on the nerves, Coprinus opposes unpleasant pain that can occur in connection with polyneuropathies as a result of diabetes. Diabetics should also always pay attention to their digestion and stool consistency. One in two suffers from so-called exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, i.e. the pancreas no longer produces enough urgently needed digestive enzymes. So if the stool is sticky, greasy, then be sure to have the pancreatic elastase checked!


The Maitake medicinal mushroom supports the organism on the one hand in the regulation of the blood sugar level and on the other hand in the fat metabolism. At the same time, it can naturally lower blood sugar by means of the beta-glucans it contains. This is a very valuable effect when it comes to not developing type 2 diabetes in the first place. But even with existing type 2 diabetes, lower blood glucose levels result in greater well-being and possibly a reduction in the usual dose of medication.

Maitake especially supports weight loss in the abdominal area and the regeneration of a fatty liver, it also promotes “slimming bacteria”. The sugar trehalose contained in mushrooms can prevent excessive absorption of the fatty liver-promoting fructose – one of the many mechanisms of how the many ingredients in mushrooms can complement each other. Similar to Coprinus, Maitake can also inhibit alpha-glucosidase, a sugar-splitting enzyme in the intestine, contributing to reduced sugar absorption.

So, preventively and therapeutically, maitake has the power to combat metabolic syndrome. It does this primarily by improving fat metabolism. With regular intake of maitake, total cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood decrease, while the ratio of HDL to LDL develops favorably. HDL is “good” cholesterol, which the body needs for various metabolic processes. Lowering blood fat reduces the risk of developing a fatty liver. It also has a beneficial effect against the harmful increase of uric acid. In the long term, maitake thus protects against atherosclerosis and hypertension. In the case of existing high blood pressure, however, a direct blood pressure-lowering effect can sometimes already be observed.


Reishi is virtually a universal medicinal mushroom. Its high-quality ingredients support the body on many different levels to become and stay healthy. Among other things, it works:
  • sensitizing the insulin receptors.
  • lowering blood lipid levels.
  • supportive to the liver (protection against fatty liver).
  • anti-inflammatory (triterpenes reduce chronic inflammation, especially in the vessels).
  • harmonizes the intestinal flora, which improves the absorption of nutrients.
  • promotes blood flow.
  • has a balancing effect on the nervous system, which counteracts vegetative high blood pressure.
  • increases the oxygen saturation of the blood, which benefits all cells and organs.
As you can see, reishi has a lot to offer both preventively and therapeutically for diabetes. Its multiple effects also reduce the risk of serious secondary diseases.


Auricularia contains various polysaccharides and adenosine. These and the nucleoside adenosine improve the fluidity of the blood while simultaneously dilating the vessels via activation of nitric oxide synthase. This improves blood flow throughout the body. If there is already an elevated blood pressure, it can decrease by taking Auricularia. Another positive effect of this medicinal mushroom is the reduction of total cholesterol. All the described positive effects of Auricularias on the organism together reduce the probability of developing arteriosclerosis or even thrombosis. This is extremely positive for diabetics, as their risk of thrombosis is significantly higher than that of non-diabetics.

Agaricus blazei murrill (ABM)

The vital mushroom Agaricus blazei murrill (ABM) is recommended by experts especially in diabetes type 1 or LADA. The beta-glucans from ABM can help a derailed immune system to function properly again. This reduces damage to the pancreas due to excessive immune reactions. This effect is supported by the many antioxidants that relieve inflammation in the pancreas as well as in the blood vessels.

In addition to this protective effect with regard to insulin-producing beta cells, ABM helps to lower blood sugar naturally. Because of this property, it is also an interesting medicinal mushroom for type 2 diabetics. Its effect already starts in the intestine. The beta-glucans from ABM inhibit the enzyme alpha-glucosidase there. As a result, fewer carbohydrates enter the bloodstream from the intestine. In addition, it has a stimulating effect on the pancreas. In this way, the blood sugar level does not rise too high in the first place.

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Special instructions for normal weight diabetics

We have already addressed the fact that type 2 diabetes is often preceded by metabolic syndrome. Therefore, a large number of diabetics are overweight. Now, however, there are occasionally slim people who develop diabetes. Here one should be examined for a fatty liver, since this can also occur in slim persons with malnutrition or alcohol consumption. Furthermore, autoimmune diabetes such as LADA or drug- or stress-induced blood glucose slips should be considered.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Perspective

TCM healers refer to normal weight diabetics as having kidney energy deficiency. This problem stems from irregular food intake and / or a lot of alcohol. Affected individuals usually prefer spicy, fatty or sweet products. This form of unhealthy eating creates a dry heat in the body as well as a yin deficiency. To cope with the problem, heat must be reduced and yin must be strengthened. In addition to diet, psychological problems can also affect the vital energy Qi and thus cause diabetes. Anger, rage or constant brooding harm the body and can be reduced by suitable vital mushrooms.

Specific vital mushrooms for slim diabetics

An excellent medicinal mushroom for yin deficiency and for more mental balance is cordyceps. It efficiently promotes both physical and mental performance and is an important fungus for kidney health. In addition, Coprinus comatus is the drug of choice. It performs excellently in all types of diabetes by supporting the pancreas. Even if the beta cells have already suffered from diabetes, the Coprinus helps them regenerate. In addition, it has a lowering effect on blood sugar levels.

The Reishi offers relief especially with strong (negative) emotions, as it helps the psyche to be more balanced. It is also a benefactor of the liver and in this way supports fat metabolism in particular. If, despite a slim physique, water retention occurs because of diabetes, polyporus helps. It gently drains without the risk of causing mineral deficiencies.

What should be considered when taking vital mushrooms in connection with diabetes?

Observe body signs

To determine the appropriate vital mushrooms for you, you need to consider several individual factors. In addition to the type of diabetes, the stage is also crucial. Is your body “just” showing signs of metabolic syndrome or has blood sugar already gone haywire? Especially in the early stages, it is still quite easy to cure diabetes naturally.

If you want to know the exact status of your diabetes, have your doctor determine the C-peptide in your blood. To what extent can it still be stimulated by a sugar solution? The results provide information on whether so far only an insulin resistance of the cells is present or whether the production of insulin is already decreasing. In any case, let our experts advise you on which medicinal mushrooms are suitable in your case.

When you start taking the medicinal mushrooms, you should pay close attention to changes. Since mushrooms can naturally lower blood sugar, please always keep an eye out for possible signs of hypoglycemia. Especially in the beginning, the effect of the mushrooms must first settle. If necessary, you may soon need less of your traditional medications. However, be sure to consult your doctor about this. Regular monitoring of your blood glucose gives you additional important information.

Where do I buy vital mushrooms against diabetes?

We recommend that you only take vital mushrooms from German organic cultivation. Because only with these high quality standards you can be sure that the medicinal mushrooms have not come into contact with poisons from soil or pesticides. Indeed, fungi absorb environmentally harmful substances and pass them directly to their consumers.

In addition, powder has proven itself many times as a dosage form. The important thing here is that it is made from the whole mushroom and it has been dried at less than 40° Celsius. Higher temperatures would destroy valuable ingredients. Since even dry powder does not keep indefinitely and possible mold on it is almost impossible to detect, capsules are the safest form of intake.

How do I take vital mushrooms for diabetes?

Ideally, take the capsules shortly before a meal with a glass of still water or tea. The exact dosage is best discussed with one of our experts, who will take your very individual situation and physical condition into account when making their recommendation.

Generally, vital mushrooms as an alternative medicine remedy are designed for long-term use. Therefore, assume a duration of use of at least three months, sometimes even years. The risk of prolonged use is in no way equivalent to that of conventional drugs. In fact, medicinal mushrooms have no side effects and do not harm the body even in the long run. In parallel with the vital mushrooms, do not forget to change your diet to a predominantly plant-based whole foods diet. Regular exercise also supports you on your way to a life without diabetes.

Please consult your therapist before use!


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