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Vascular disease atherosclerosis: cure arteriosclerosis naturally

June 23, 2022
Dr. Dorothee Bös et al.

Arteriosclerosis is a very serious vascular disease. In the Western world, it is estimated that about half of all deaths are due to the consequences of this disease. Although their occurrence becomes more likely with age, there are things you can do to protect your arteries from “calcification.” Besides a healthy lifestyle, there are various vital mushrooms that can help your health.

In this article we will introduce you to the most important medicinal mushrooms in relation to this vascular disease and show their mechanisms of action.

What is arteriosclerosis?

In common parlance, arteriosclerosis is also often called “vascular calcification” or “calcification of the arteries”. The image of calcification actually applies quite well: if a person suffers from arteriosclerosis then thickenings develop on the walls of their arteries that are similar to the lime in water pipes. However, in the bloodstream, it is more likely to be blood cells and fats and additionally calcium, which preferentially accumulate in the affected vessel wall. In the worst case, a thrombus (= clot of blood platelets) forms, which clogs the vessel to a large extent or even completely. 3-D illustration of human heart, in the foreground you can see an already clogged artery leading to the heart In the course of this vascular disease, the vessel walls increasingly harden. Actually, arteries are capable of dilating and contracting – depending on what the overall physical situation requires at the time. The arteries lose this ability as the disease progresses, making them more susceptible to rupture. It can happen that the vessel wall leaks at one point or that an artery even ruptures completely. Life-threatening internal bleeding is then the result. There is a close relationship between atherosclerosis and hypertension. For example, elevated blood pressure is often an indication of vascular calcification. On the other hand, existing atherosclerosis is further aggravated by high blood pressure. In order not to enter this vicious circle in the first place, it is important to heal arteriosclerosis naturally as early as possible.

How are our blood vessels structured?

In the context of arteriosclerosis, we are only interested in the structure of the arteries. These are the blood vessels through which oxygen-rich blood flows away from the heart to the periphery. The veins through which blood is pumped back to the heart are not affected by this vascular disease.

The wall of the arteries is composed of three different layers, the innermost of which is the so-called “endothelial layer”. Its name is derived from the endothelial cells of which it is composed. Below this is the middle muscle layer. In the arteries close to the heart, this middle level is very distensible, while in the peripheral areas it is characterized by the ability to contract strongly. The arteries are surrounded by a layer of connective tissue.

Graphic showing the difference in blood vessels

On average, the blood vessels near the heart have a large diameter. With increasing distance, they become smaller and are then called “arterioles”. The actual exchange of substances takes place via the smallest vessels, the “capillaries”. For the supply of the vessel walls with oxygen and nutrients, there are specially such tiny blood vessels, which are called “vasa vasorum”.

How does arteriosclerosis develop?

Basically, our blood circulation is subject to a normal aging process. The vessels lose elasticity in the process, hardening, so to speak. Some narrowing due to deposits on the vessel walls is also quite common. So when we talk about vascular disease here, we mean a calcification of the arteries that occurs too early in life and/or is more severe than is usual with aging. Did you know that there are a variety of vital mushrooms that counteract premature aging processes due to their antioxidant properties? The problem with arteriosclerosis is that the vessels become very narrow and lose their elasticity. This is usually caused by damage to the vessel wall associated with inflammatory processes. Our organism certainly has the competence to repair such injuries. For this to work well, however, ideal starting conditions are necessary.

How does the body repair damaged vessel walls?

If the endothelial layer of an artery is injured, so-called “foam cells” can form at this site. They arise from immune cells contained in the blood, monocytes, which transform into macrophages by migrating into the vascular layer. They are virtually the body’s natural band-aid or remedy for injuries and inflammation of the vascular wall. The foam cells absorb fats from the blood via certain receptors. As a result, they grow strongly. Muscle cells can also take up more fat and thicken – both of which are detrimental to blood flow, but also seem to be a repair mechanism of the body. In arteriosclerosis, the foam cells grow excessively so that they increasingly obstruct normal blood flow. Where they sit, the vessel wall then also becomes brittle. The foam cells also send out messenger substances that attract further monocytes. The more of them that dock to the inner wall of the artery, the greater the risk of occlusion. At the same time, the inflammation associated with the damage is also becoming more widespread. To prevent blood from escaping when a tear forms in the vessel wall, clotting factors are activated. The arteries harden and narrow automatically. As a result, blood pressure rises. However, increased blood pressure in turn damages the blood vessels. A vicious circle takes its course. In order to prevent this from starting in the first place, it is very important to naturally prevent possible arteriosclerosis at an early stage.

The importance of microcirculation

The mechanism just described, repairing small damages of the endothelial layer with the help of foam cells, can be completely unproblematic. However, why it becomes a serious health problem in some cases may be explained by microcirculation. This refers to blood flow in the tiny vessels that supply the walls of the large arteries. The vasa vasorum are particularly sensitive to unfavorable conditions such as hyperacidity or smoldering inflammation. As a result, they no longer supply the cells in the vessel walls optimally.

Thus, the walls break down more easily and repair processes “get out of hand”. The deposits are getting bigger and bigger. In this context, physicians speak of “plaque formation”.

Graphic representation of the different stages of arteriosclerosis

Animal studies have shown that poor blood flow to the arterial walls leads to atherosclerosis, while stimulation of blood flow in the tiny vessels has even been able to heal existing vasoconstrictions. Probably also for this reason the vital mushroom Auricularia proves itself again and again, if it concerns to heal an arteriosclerosis naturally. In fact, it generally stimulates blood flow and thus supports optimal blood circulation even in the smallest vessels.

Weiße Anführungszeichen in dunkelblauem Kreis
Mr. E. J. from Pinneberg

"I suffered from elevated blood fat levels, especially triglycerides were way too high. The blood fat levels have improved. For 20 years I have been trying different medicines. Now I have been taking the medicinal mushrooms Maitake and Cordyceps for about four months. The blood lipid levels have improved. I will continue to take mushrooms."

Weiße Anführungszeichen in dunkelblauem Kreis
W. K. from Hanau

"In 1994 I received three bypasses, in 2005 a bypass and a new heart valve. For the past year I have been taking shiitake for arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure. Total cholesterol, HDL, LDL have dropped to normal."

Weiße Anführungszeichen in dunkelblauem Kreis
Mrs. E. P. from Lich

"After two passed pneumonias, I had bronchitis, congested sinuses, low blood pressure, depression and elevated cholesterol levels. Thanks to cordyceps, shiitake and reishi, everything is eliminated. Blood levels are back to normal."

Weiße Anführungszeichen in dunkelblauem Kreis
Mr. E. K. from Geisenheim

"I have been taking shiitake since 2004. I can only recommend the mushrooms. My condition is balanced."

What are risk factors for atherosclerosis?

The role of cholesterol

In connection with high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis, the finger has long been pointed at cholesterol. Because fats attach to cell walls, they have been implicated as a cause of vascular calcification. It is now clear that this view falls short. In fact, the foam cells take up the fat from the blood to make repairs. Thus, a high level of cholesterol should rather be considered as an indicator of existing vascular damage. At this point, therefore, cause and symptom have been interchanged, so to speak. 3D illustration section of the digestive system, which glows alarming yellow-orange. The stomach is particularly affected.However, the fat is not completely innocent. It is known that abdominal fat promotes high blood pressure and persistent inflammation in the body. Both, in turn, put strain on the arteries. As a central digestive organ, the intestine also suffers from malnutrition with too much fat – especially of animal origin. As a result, the intestinal flora gets out of balance and a “leaky gut” (leaky gut) can develop. This in turn contributes to persistent inflammatory processes in the vessels. That’s why it’s perfectly reasonable to look at blood lipid levels when vascular disease is suspected. As a guideline, HDL cholesterol should be in a good ratio to LDL (LDL / HDL ratio about 2-3). In fact, it is considered the “good” lipid that transports cholesterol from the vessels to the liver. LDL levels, on the other hand, should tend to be low because LDL transports cholesterol in the opposite direction. Oxidized LDL is particularly harmful to our vessels. To keep this as low as possible, a low LDL level is just as central as a good supply of antioxidants. That is why vital mushrooms are so valuable for our health. This is because, in addition to a positive influence on fat metabolism, they also have abundant antioxidants. Finally, for triglyceride levels, a value above 150 mg / dl is considered a risk factor.

Stress as a risk factor

It is widely known that stress is harmful to our body. This also includes the arteries. We cannot recover under constant pressure. Exercise, relaxation and a balanced diet are often neglected in times of stress. This in turn favors the formation of oxygen free radicals, which increases oxidative stress. The free radicals also attack the endothelial cells in the blood vessels, if they have not been previously scavenged by cholesterol, creating oxidized LDL, which is no less harmful.

Under stress, the body also releases more of the hormone cortisol. Among other things, this keeps the blood sugar level high in order to provide the cells with sufficient energy under performance pressure. However, a continuously high blood glucose level is unfortunately harmful for our vessel walls and thus promotes the development of plaques. Stress and inflammation drive cholesterol production.

Another stressor on a physical level is infections. Recent research suggests that atherosclerotic changes in the vessels may be closely related to infections. That is why, in addition to all other measures, it is always important to support the immune system if you want to cure arteriosclerosis naturally. Here the vital mushrooms with their beta-glucans and other valuable ingredients offer comprehensive assistance.

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Smoking and phosphate

Close up of a smoking cigarette which is just being inhaled by a manTobacco use is probably one of the most serious risk factors for the development of vascular disease. The toxic nicotine releases large amounts of free radicals in the body. This not only increases the likelihood of atherosclerosis, but also of various other serious diseases such as cancer. Phosphate additives are found in many processed foods. A particularly large amount is found in processed cheese, for example. But large amounts are also found in soft drinks, sausage and kebabs. Hidden behind the numbers E338-341 and E450-452, they are used to preserve food. Our arteries, unfortunately, make them much less durable in return. Indeed, phosphate supplements have been shown to be potent atherosclerosis triggers.


If diabetes is not properly controlled, there is always a risk of persistently high blood sugar. We have already mentioned that this poses a risk to the vascular walls. 3-D illustration of human platelets and congestion in the bloodstreamBut “diabetes” brings with it another problem: diabetics often have elevated ADMA (methylated arginine) levels. In addition, high levels of ADMA block the production of nitric oxide (NO). In the vascular field, however, NO plays an important role because it has a relaxing effect on vascular smooth muscle. Thus, when NO levels are low, the arteries are relatively rigid and inflexible. By the way, ADMA levels rise sharply in all people immediately after a high-fat meal! Diabetics have another risk factor to bear with regard to their vessels: the high blood sugar level can cause protein structures to become saccharified. These, in turn, can inflict injuries on the vessel walls. Finally, enlarged platelets are often found in the blood of people with diabetes. These impede blood flow simply because of their size, which is particularly serious in the tiny capillaries and vaso vasorum.


Lastly, we would like to briefly address homocysteine as a risk factor for vascular disease. Close-up of a blood sample tested for homocysteine. The sample is viewed by a person with rubber hand show in the laboratoryHomocysteine is a degradation product formed during the metabolism of the amino acid methionine, which occurs increasingly in animal. In itself, it has no function in our organism and, under ideal conditions, it is also broken down immediately. However, if there is a deficiency of vitamin B6, B12 or folic acid, this process comes to a standstill. The homocysteine level increases. Doctors consider 8 mmol / l to be a critical value here. If the level is higher, the probability that the homocysteine will injure the endothelial cells and in the long term leave scars that are predestined for calcium deposits also increases. Vital mushrooms such as shiitake provide good assistance here, as they inhibit the formation of homocysteine.

How do I recognize arteriosclerosis?

To cure arteriosclerosis naturally is easiest in the initial stages of the disease. However, those affected usually do not even notice for a very long time that they are suffering from arteriosclerosis. This is because there are no immediately perceptible symptoms. In practice, it has therefore proved useful to look for various risk factors. A key risk group here is people who are overweight. We are talking about a Body Mass Index above 25, which affects about two-thirds of men and half of women in Germany. In addition, it is mainly smokers who have a significantly increased risk. If arteriosclerosis is suspected, doctors can, for example, determine blood lipid levels or use sonography to detect deposits in vessels. In the coronary artery region, computed tomography is the tool of choice. If the calcification of the arteries progresses unnoticed, diffuse signs may appear after a certain degree of severity. These include:
  • load-dependent pain
  • Increasing functional disorders (example lungs: breathing becomes difficult)
  • disturbed sensations
  • Erectile dysfunction
If the disease progresses, more serious consequences become apparent. We would like to briefly discuss these consequential damages separately in a moment. However, it is important to emphasize that prevention is the most effective countermeasure in any case. With a balanced diet, sufficient exercise and the support of the vital mushrooms suitable for you, you can immediately and effectively reduce your risk of severe vascular diseases.

What are the health consequences of atherosclerosis?

Curing arteriosclerosis naturally is a promising approach when it comes to preventing serious sequelae of atherosclerosis. For those who rely on a natural, very plant-based diet, exercise, relaxation and natural remedies such as vital mushrooms, promote their health on all levels. This is really important in the case of vascular disease because it causes damage to many different parts of the body. The narrowing of vessels leads to a lack of blood supply to certain regions, which ultimately means an undersupply of nutrients. In the brain, for example, vascular dementia can develop. Cognitive abilities decline dramatically over time due to undersupply. So-called senile epilepsy often hides undetected arteriosclerosis.

Vascular occlusions and their effects

The worst-case scenario of vascular calcification is complete occlusion of vessels. Although small arteries or the capillaries are most prone to occlusion, it is the larger vessels whose failure results in dramatic consequences. In this context, physicians speak of thrombosis or embolism. Whereas in a thrombosis the vessel also closes where the blood clot forms, in an embolism it travels on from the point of origin until it hits a constriction, for example, and gets stuck there. In the region around the heart, such narrowing means coronary artery disease. Those affected often notice diffuse symptoms such as a feeling of tightness or chest pain even before a final vessel occlusion, the infarction. In a heart attack, the artery then becomes completely blocked, so that the heart muscle is no longer supplied at one point. The affected tissue may then die or the heart may stop working completely. Shot of a woman dizzily grabbing her head and leaning against a door frame.A classic is also the ischemic stroke or cerebral infarction. Here, the blood supply to the brain comes to a standstill because a vessel closes. Depending on the region, certain cognitive or physical abilities fail in those affected. To avoid long-term damage, blood flow must be restored as quickly as possible. Also fatal is renal artery stenosis, in which an artery within the kidneys becomes blocked. This can even happen without major symptoms and only result in renal insufficiency over time. If the kidney is then completely damaged, dialysis or a donor kidney are the only options. More often, vascular stenoses and occlusions occur in the pelvic area and cause painful conditions there. The phenomenon of vascular occlusion in the legs is also known under the name “shop window disease”. In specialist circles, this is referred to as “peripheral arterial occlusive disease” (PAVK).

Arteriosclerosis and hypertension

As already mentioned, high blood pressure and atherosclerosis are interrelated. Shot of a woman measuring her blood pressure. The display shows values that are too highThus, as a result of vascular calcification, blood pressure can rise to an unhealthy level. On the other hand, the arteries themselves suffer from excessive pressure and there is increased deposition of plaques. Particularly dangerous are bulges on the vessel walls, which can form due to the shifted pressure conditions. These “aneurysms” are highly dangerous. They can burst and cause life-threatening internal bleeding. Basically, with arteriosclerosis there is always also the risk of vessels breaking down due to internal injuries, stiffening and excessive blood pressure. Besides occlusion, this is probably the most serious consequence of vascular disease.

Which vital mushrooms help with arteriosclerosis?

Vital mushrooms have been proven many times in the past to cure arteriosclerosis naturally. As with all health problems, medicinal mushrooms form one component of several in the treatment of atherosclerosis. For example, a change in diet to plant-based foods that are as natural as possible is essential. Sufficient exercise and regular breaks to relax are two other important measures. Below we have created for you an overview of the different starting points of the vital mushrooms. In fact, they counteract vascular disease at various levels.

Alleviation of inflammation and oxidative stress

Inflammation on the inner walls of the arteries is often the starting point for plaques. Vital mushrooms have various ingredients that have an anti-inflammatory effect and thus prevent this first step towards vascular disease. On the one hand, there are the triterpenes. They develop an anti-inflammatory effect throughout the body and thus also within the blood vessels. In addition, all medicinal mushrooms contain the so-called beta-glucans and numerous other ingredients that, as in the case of Auricularia, stimulate the production of NO via nitric oxide synthase. This in turn has an alleviating effect on inflammation of the vascular walls. It also inhibits the accumulation and thus aggregation of platelets. Vital mushrooms thus reduce the risk of thrombosis as well as embolism. In addition, NO has a vasodilatory effect, which also counteracts high blood pressure, and is considered antioxidant. The stimulation of increased formation by the medicinal mushroom Auricularia is therefore extremely positive for our health in many ways. Recording the vital mushrooms Reishi and Shiitake mushrooms on rustic wood.Medicinal mushrooms have been shown to be rich in prebiotically active substances. Thus, they comprehensively maintain the intestinal flora. This is important to prevent imbalances or even leaky gut. A disturbed intestinal environment and associated metabolic problems are, along with abdominal fat, one of the central causes of persistent smoldering inflammation. Thus, a healthy gut always means some protection against vascular disease. People with a diverse intestinal flora are also less prone to obesity and the formation of abdominal fat. Their immune system is usually stronger, which in turn makes inflammation as well as infection less likely. In addition to inflammatory processes, it is mostly free radicals that cause damage to the endothelial cells in the arteries. Vital mushrooms are rich in antioxidant substances and at the same time promote the formation of the body’s own antioxidants. Thus, they significantly reduce the oxidative stress level in the arteries and may even help to cure arteriosclerosis naturally.

Positive influence on the metabolism

We have already addressed the role of cholesterol, triglycerides, homocysteine, and blood glucose in the development of atherosclerosis. Various vital mushrooms target precisely the metabolic processes concerned and can thus reduce the risk of plaque formation. For example, some fungi inhibit the body’s synthesis of cholesterol, while others directly inhibit its absorption from food. Some medicinal mushrooms also have a lowering effect on triglycerides. Important mushrooms in the context of atherosclerosis, which have such a positive influence on blood lipid levels as well as blood sugar, are for example the reishi and the maitake. In order for the organism to perfectly adjust the vascular tone, it needs various micronutrients. These include, for example, potassium, magnesium and folic acid. Vital mushrooms are rich in these essential nutrients and for this reason alone are a good support for our health. Maitake and Agaricus bisporus in particular contain larger amounts of ergosterol, a precursor of vitamin D2. This in turn is known to have a lowering effect on blood pressure. It therefore provides a certain relief of the vascular walls, especially in connection with hypertension. Another example of a health-promoting ingredient in vital mushrooms is adenosine. In medicinal mushrooms it occurs both in pure form and as an analogue. It is known by physicians to have a stabilizing effect on the heart and circulation. It lowers blood pressure and improves blood circulation, especially in the coronary area. So far, the adenosine or a corresponding analogue could be detected in the following vital mushrooms: Auricularia, Cordyceps, Reishi, Shiitake and Agaricus blazei murill.

Individual vital mushrooms in detail

After these rather general positive influences of medicinal mushrooms on our vessels, we would like to discuss six mushrooms in a little more detail. They are the first choice when it comes to helping to heal arteriosclerosis naturally.


The shiitake is known to many as a tasty edible mushroom from the Asian region. However, in addition to its delicate aroma, it captivates with its influence on health. With regard to arteriosclerosis, the following should be mentioned in particular:A group of fresh shiitake mushrooms on white background

  • Regulation of blood lipids, especially increase of HDL level
  • Lowering uric acid
  • Inhibition of homocysteine formation
  • general promotion of blood circulation
  • Reduction of oxidative stress in the vessels

Shiitake also strengthens connective tissue, which is the outermost layer of our arteries.


Auricularia is one of the vital mushrooms that have a positive effect on blood flow. For example, it contains beta-glucans and adenosine and thus naturally regulates high blood pressure downward. Thanks to its antithrombotic properties, it also acts like a blood thinner only without the risk of increased bleeding. It has a positive influence on the microcirculation by dilating the vessels and thus enabling an untroubled blood flow.

In addition, Auricularia is a recommended vital mushroom for arteriosclerosis due to the following properties:Fresh auricularia mushrooms on white background

  • It increases NO synthase.
  • It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • It reduces total cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.


Maitake is a good choice for people suffering from obesity and fatty liver. In fact, it stimulates the metabolism overall and thus supports weight loss. In particular, maitake can lower triglycerides and total cholesterol. At the same time, however, it prevents the HDL level from dropping. At the same time, it prevents the accumulation of lipids in the liver.

In addition, the Maitake acts

  • facilitating the breakdown of already existing plaques.
  • lowering uric acid.
  • anti-inflammatory.

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The Reishi is a vital mushroom, which can also counteract stress-related health problems in particular. In fact, it has a relaxing effect and thus reduces possible symptoms of stress, which also means less and less oxidative stress on a physical level. It helps to sleep better and also improves the oxygen saturation of the blood. This benefits all organs and also vessels.

In addition, the reishi can Dried reishi mushroom on white background

  • prevent the development of new foci of inflammation.
  • lower blood pressure and total cholesterol.
  • reduce the number of foam cells.

Especially in the case of vascular disease associated with high blood pressure, a combination of the vital mushrooms Reishi and Auricularia has proven to be very helpful.


In brief, the following positive properties of the medicinal mushroom Pleurotus are worth mentioning with regard to vascular disease:

  • It has an antioxidant effect.
  • It is rich in folic acid and B vitamins. Thus, it supports the breakdown of excess homocysteine.
  • It develops a vascular-protecting effect.

Thus, pleurotus can also help heal arteriosclerosis naturally.


The last medicinal mushroom in this series is cordyceps. You can see three dried cordyceps mushrooms on white backgroundIn practice, it has already proven itself many times over in alleviating circulatory disorders. It is also known to lower lipid levels. In addition, it improves the insulin sensitivity of the cells, which, among other things, results in lower blood glucose levels on average.

What to look for when choosing vital mushrooms against atherosclerosis?

If you also suffer from a vascular disease such as arteriosclerosis, it is by no means advisable to arbitrarily switch from your previous medications to the vital mushrooms mentioned here. Although mushrooms can naturally heal arteriosclerosis to a certain extent, the selection and dosage of medicinal mushrooms belong in the hands of professionals. Therefore, as a first step, contact our experts, who will be happy to look at your individual health situation with you. Depending on the overall condition and other diseases, a well-considered selection of vital mushrooms can thus be made. Also, a dosage is never blanket, but always adapted to the individual case. Vital mushrooms do not have side effects in the actual sense, but at the beginning of the intake, certain accompanying symptoms may occur. That is why it makes sense to always introduce the mushrooms slowly.

Mushroom powder capsules on a wooden spoon, which lies on a rustic wooden base. Next to the spoon are dried Reishi piecesBy the way, the simplest form of administration has proven to be the capsule. It is not very demanding in terms of storage and the dosage is very simple. In addition, the mushroom powder in the capsules is protected from environmental influences such as moisture. In this way, unnoticed mold growth can be ruled out.

The mushroom powder itself should definitely come from a mushroom farm that adheres to German organic guidelines. Mushrooms are in fact the garbage disposal of our environment. This means that they absorb and store all kinds of pollutants and toxins from their environment. Vital mushrooms originating from a conventional cultivation can therefore have a high concentration of contaminants, as they are in conventional substrate and nutrient solutions. By taking them, you would end up doing more harm to your health than good.

In addition, a gentle drying process at a maximum of 40 degrees Celsius is essential. Higher temperatures destroy enzymes that are essential for the health-promoting effects of medicinal mushrooms. Even grinding the dried mushrooms into powder can generate a lot of heat. That is why this process must also be well monitored.


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