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Detoxify and purify naturally: vital mushrooms for effective detoxification

July 28, 2021
Dipl.-Biol. Dorothee Ogroske et al.

Every day our bodies are exposed to stresses that cause them to age prematurely or become ill. Toxic substances are one of these exposures. They enter our organism in various ways and can accumulate there if they are not excreted again in sufficient quantities.

Learn here where these toxins come from, what they do in the body and how you can detoxify naturally with the help of vital mushrooms.

Toxins and waste products - how do they get into our body?

When we talk about detoxification and purification here, two questions come to mind first:

  1. Who has toxins in their body anyway?
  2. Where do these toxins come from?

There is a clear answer to the first question: all people have toxins in them. Due to our current lifestyle, we come into contact with many toxins.

This brings us to the second question, where do the harmful substances come from? Some of the toxins enter our organism from the outside. These so-called “exogenous toxins” are, for example, free radicals, heavy metals, endotoxins from bacteria, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, nanoparticles, exhaust gases, drugs and hormones. Our body has three contact points through which these exogenous toxins can enter: Digestive tract, skin and lungs. So the pollutants are in our food, drinks and medicines. Even the air we breathe can be contaminated with exhaust fumes, smoke, dust, etc. Other toxins enter our organism through the skin. A prime example of this is harmful ingredients in cosmetics.

Other toxic substances accumulate in our bodies themselves. On the one hand, these can also be free radicals, but also toxic metabolic products. For example, methanol, ethanol, propanol and butanol are produced in the intestine in the course of fermentation processes. Decay processes, on the other hand, bring toxic substances such as cadaverine, histamine, putrescine and scatole. Secondary bile acids or endotoxins from bacteria such as lipopolysaccharides and botulinum are also problematic. Sometimes, unfavorable metabolic processes at the cellular level also produce toxic substances such as lactate, ammonia, or intermediates such as epoxides, nitrosamines, and formaldehyde.

So toxins and waste accumulate in each of us. Before we go into how the body itself deals with them and how we can naturally support these detoxification processes with vital mushrooms, we would like to take a brief look at the health consequences of individual toxins.

What are the consequences of heavy metals for our health?

Drastic illustration of human mouth ingesting toxinsIt may sound a bit absurd, but heavy metals – in mostly tiny amounts – are not uncommon in our food. If our body manages to detoxify naturally to a sufficient degree, the health risk is low. However, if he does not manage to do this, the harmful substances accumulate. The load is visibly increasing and there may be far-reaching consequences.


Aluminum is found primarily in canned foods and canned beverages. It is also found in the food coloring E173 and in medicines and cosmetics. Even in green tea declared as “organic”, alarming aluminum contamination has been found. In our body, the aluminum damages the nerves, which can manifest itself in speech and consciousness disorders. It is even possible that excessive exposure to aluminum could lead to dementia.


This heavy metal is found, for example, in tobacco, fertilizers, fish, seafood and offal. It damages our genetic material and may be involved in the development of lung cancer. It also damages the kidneys and promotes osteoporosis.

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Arsenic is also found primarily in sea creatures such as fish or seafood. However, it is also found in rice and is used in the production of ceramic and glass glazes. In addition to nerve damage, arsenic causes skin changes and even skin cancer. Likewise, it can blame lung cancer. It is fatal at doses of about 100 mg and above.


For example, we ingest mercury when we eat fish. It is also hidden in amalgam fillings, some vaccines and contact lens cleaners. Our organism stores mercury preferentially in the pituitary gland. The result can be excessive production of the hormone prolactin. In addition, mercury accumulates in the cervical secretions. Here it can prevent conception.


Finally, we would like to mention the heavy metal lead. In our food, it occurs only occasionally in game meat or in coffee from lead-contaminated machines. Especially in old houses, it is also found in the water pipes. Paint and rust preventatives may also contain lead. The health effects of lead range from kidney damage to digestive disorders to high blood pressure. Lead can even have a disruptive effect on blood formation. Particularly fatal damage can occur to the nervous system, leading to attention deficit disorder, or nerve diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or Parkinson’s disease. In pregnant women, the heavy metal can also trigger miscarriages and premature births.

What problems result from toxin formation in the intestine?

Some toxins enter through our food, directly into the intestines. Highly processed foods in particular increasingly contain additives such as colorants, emulsifiers or preservatives. Among other things, these substances can damage the intestinal mucosa and impair the physiological intestinal flora (microbiota). The long-term damage entails very different symptoms over time. To understand them, it is important to know that the intestine is very closely related to our immune system.

However, the fact that many toxins are produced in the intestine itself is also very significant. Overeating or “wrong” diet and digestive deficiencies especially regarding digestive secretion can lead to excessive fermentation and putrefaction in the intestine. Fats and proteins are no longer broken down in such a way that the body can utilize them optimally. Some of them reach the lower parts of the intestine undigested and promote the growth of putrefactive flora, i.e. bacteria that break down these food components. These typically include clostridia, which leave behind toxic metabolites.

This must detoxify the liver again, which not infrequently can also lead to liver overload if toxin production is pronounced. This can be recognized by an increase in the so-called “liver values”. In the worst case, these bacterial metabolites damage the intestinal mucosa. To counteract this, especially those vital mushrooms are helpful that have a protective effect on the mucous membranes, such as Hericium.

In the case of increased permeability of the intestinal mucosa, experts speak of a “leaky gut”. Here, for example, toxins, germs and toxins formed by them (LPS) and allergens can now enter the bloodstream. The immune system tries to fight off the invaders, which in the long run can result in food allergies, autoimmune diseases and persistent smoldering inflammation.

Illustration of a leaky well development

There are also suitable vital mushrooms for this problem, which positively regulate the immune system.

In the case of increased permeability of the intestinal mucosa, experts speak of a “leaky gut”. Here, for example, toxins, germs and toxins formed by them (LPS) and allergens can now enter the bloodstream. The immune system tries to fight off the invaders, which in the long run can result in food allergies, autoimmune diseases and persistent smoldering inflammation. There are also suitable vital mushrooms for this problem, which positively regulate the immune system.

The processes described in the intestine lead to a lasting change in the entire intestinal environment. This can then manifest itself in direct symptoms within the intestines such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating or food intolerances. The far-reaching consequences of these poisoning processes include tension, joint and soft-tissue rheumatism, osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, migraine and unwanted childlessness.

How does the body deal with toxins?

To avoid excessive exposure to pollutants, the body needs to detoxify continuously. Ideally, it manages to excrete at least as many toxins as are absorbed in the same period. The following organs or systems are primarily responsible for purification:
  • Liver
  • Kidneys
  • Intestine
  • Lymphatic system
  • Skin
  • Lungs
Représentation graphique du processus de détoxication par le foie

If the toxins cannot be fully eliminated, they accumulate and can lead to the health problems already mentioned. An increased load of waste products and toxins can manifest itself, for example, in allergies, susceptibility to infections, fatigue, premature aging or autoimmune processes.

The overabundance of toxins in the environment and the increased formation of waste products and toxins in the organism itself due to malnutrition and lack of exercise causes the burden to increase in many people. The body’s own detoxification capacities are at their limit. In such cases, the organism begins to store the excess toxins – for example, in the liver, blood, bone marrow, muscles and joints, and fatty tissue. The latter is the reason why rapid weight loss can lead to mobilization of toxins. The melting of the fat releases many toxins at the same time. For this reason, we always recommend accompanying weight reduction with the appropriate medicinal mushrooms. On the one hand, they support weight loss, and on the other hand, they promote the rapid elimination of toxins.

What is "purge"?

Now we know how toxins enter our body and which organs are responsible for their elimination. However, complex chemical metabolic processes are required to make the various pollutants excretible in the first place. They must first be chemically altered and neutralized before they can actually leave the body. We would like to outline these complex processes here only roughly, so that the starting points for natural remedies to support detoxification are comprehensible.

Phase 1: The decomposition

In this first phase, the chemical structure of the toxin changes so that it becomes more soluble in fat or water. This occurs through biochemical conversion processes such as oxidation, reduction or hydrolysis. Cytochrome P450: CYP plays a major role in this process. Physicians now know that there are at least 39 different CYP systems among us humans. These many different CYP enzymes are encoded in different genes. In this respect, there are different manifestations in people, which can partially impair enzyme function. As a result, there are so-called “good” and also “bad” detoxifiers in the population.

Phase 2: The neutralization

In this second phase, the activated substances from phase 1 are coupled to a carrier. This can be glutathione, for example. Other possible carriers are glucuronic, sulfuric and amino acids. In this context, certain enzymes such as glutathione S-transferase transform the substances, preparing them for excretion.

Now, the originally harmful substance can be transported to the final excretion, for example, via the bile or the stool or the kidney.

The importance of glutathione

In both phase 1 and phase 2, glutathione plays an important role in detoxification. It represents the most important antioxidant in our body. Through oxidation, it “defuses”, so to speak, the free oxygen radicals that accumulate during the detoxification phases. Now, in healthy people, 80 to 90 % of glutathione is in a reduced form. Thus, it can oxidize in the course of detoxification. Studies have shown that smokers and individuals who are heavily exposed to environmental toxins and heavy metals have significantly lower levels of reduced glutathione. This, of course, is an obstacle to purification.

In order for the body to synthesize new glutathione itself, it needs various nutrients. These include: Selenium, vitamins C, B2 & B6, alpha lipoic acid and the amino acids glutamine, glycine and cysteine. So a good supply of these substances is essential if you want to detoxify well. Especially vital mushrooms are extremely rich in valuable nutrients and secondary plant substances.

Gesundes Gemüse und Obst auf blauem Untergrund, dazwischen liegt ein weißer Zettel mit der chemischen Formel von Gluthathion

What role does the liver play in detoxification?

The liver is considered the most important detoxification organ of all. The two important detoxification phases take place in the liver cells. At the end, excretion via the bile into the intestine takes place. It is problematic at this point if there is too little bile. It may also happen that it is too tough or full of slags. In the worst case, so-called “gallstone” forms, which can lead to gallstones. All this enormously hinders the detoxification of the body.

Photo of a person protectively holding his hands around a liver in front of his bodySo if you want to detox naturally, stimulating bile flow is a key starting point. It is well known that bitter substances are good for the liver because they activate the bile. Possible natural sources of bitter substances include dandelion, yarrow, turmeric, milk thistle, celandine and artichoke. In addition, there are vital mushrooms such as reishi and shiitake, which protect the liver cells and stimulate the processes that take place there.

Despite the central role of the liver, detoxification should always focus on all detoxification organs. For example, the better the kidneys, intestines or lymph function, the less stress the liver is exposed to.

Why should I detoxify naturally?

Our body is therefore able to neutralize and eliminate the toxins that we continuously absorb. However, since more harmful substances often enter our bodies than can be removed in the same amount of time, they are stored and eventually lead to health problems.

When we talk about “natural detoxification”, we mean supporting and promoting the processes that are already taking place with substances from nature. The whole thing can be useful in the form of a cure, then we like to talk about a so-called “purification cure”. In the process, the intake of harmful substances should also be drastically reduced for a certain period of time and already deposited slags and toxins should be mobilized so that they can be better excreted again. In this way you will do something good for your health, improve the performance of all your organs and slow down the aging process.

Graphical representation of the entry and exit of toxins into the human organism

Now learn which vital mushrooms can help you detoxify.

How do I detoxify my body with vital mushrooms?

Vital mushrooms have proven time and again in the past to be strong partners in detoxification. As a gentle natural remedy, they are very suitable for taking over a longer period of time without having to fear undesirable side effects. In this way, you can help your health with the vital mushrooms that are suitable for you and prevent many an unpleasant illness. Which medicinal mushrooms are suitable in your particular case is best discussed with our experts.

In general, vital mushrooms support the organism in detoxification, because

  • they activate the excretory organs and support them in their work,
  • they protect the liver and kidney due to anti-inflammatory, antilipidemic as well as antifibrotic effects,
  • they provide the body with many secondary plant substances such as polyphenols and flavonoids. These substances have a cell-protective effect due to their antioxidant properties,
  • they contain many active enzymes: Superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalases, peroxidases, whose antioxidant action supports the detoxification process and protects the body from secondary damage,
  • they contain other antioxidants such as glutathione and ergothioneine,
  • they can regulate the immune system through their beta-glucans,
  • they are rich in minerals, trace elements, essential amino acids, vitamins and fiber.

So, on the one hand, vital mushrooms stimulate the detoxification process itself. On the other hand, they are able to mitigate adverse health effects resulting from high toxin exposure. Very different vital mushrooms have proven themselves in this context, which are used depending on the focus of the detoxification and already existing diseases.


In the vital mushroom shiitake, the so-called thioproline is formed during drying. In the body, it functions like a nitrite scavenger. Thanks to its help, the nitrite can be better excreted, reducing the risk of nitrosamine formation. Nitrosamines are considered carcinogenic. In addition, shiitake induces the enzyme glutathione S-transferase and thus promotes the binding of toxic metabolites to glutathione in phase 2 of detoxification.

Shiitake mushrooms on white backgroundShiitake activates various metabolic processes in the liver, which is why it is also called “liver mushroom”. In particular, it improves cholesterol metabolism, leading to a lowering of serum cholesterol. In addition, the polyphenols contained in shiitake form a kind of protective shield around the liver cells. Ultimately, the liver itself also benefits from the lower nitrite load.

Shiitake contains various substances that activate the immune system. The better this works, the lower the risk that exposure to pollutants will result in serious illness. For example, the polysaccharides lenthionine and lentinan as well as ergosterol have a stimulating effect on the immune system. Eritadenine, in turn, has a protective effect on the cardiovascular system. Finally, when detoxifying, the positive effect of shiitake on the joints is also important. It is able to reduce metabolic stresses such as elevated uric acid levels. If the organism is overly acidic, the uric acid forms crystals that are readily deposited on joint structures and lead to inflammation there.


In the case of Chaga, it is especially worth mentioning its high content of polyphenols, which are beneficial to health. It is known for its extraordinarily powerful antioxidant effects. Melanin is of particular importance in this context.

Chaga mushroom dried and partially ground into powder on white backgroundChaga is the only vital mushroom that has this very powerful antioxidant. In general, the Chaga reduces the feeling of fatigue and intervenes in the immune system by inhibiting the proliferation of various viruses. The betulinic acid contained is particularly involved in these mechanisms. People with increased toxin exposure not infrequently show a particular susceptibility to herpes viruses.


Coriolus is known among experts mainly for its strong immune-supporting effect. Both polysaccharopeptides (PSP) and crestin (PSK) contained in it significantly stimulate the immune system. The PSP is currently the focus of particular scientific research. Their results prove its antiviral, anti-inflammatory and liver-protective properties. In addition, the Coriolus has an antifungal effect. For example, flu and herpes viruses, but also Candida, have a harder time spreading.

Fresh corinus mushroom shot on white backgroundIn addition, the vital mushroom has antioxidant enzymes such as laccase and increases endogenous enzymes in the organism such as SOD or glutathione S-transferase (GSH). In addition to its antitumor effect, the polysaccharide coriolan contained in coriolus also has a positive effect on blood sugar. With regard to the after-effects of toxins, it should be mentioned that Coriolus protects the nervous system from damage and, in particular, counteracts inflammatory processes.


For the liver, the medicinal mushroom maitake brings great relief, as its antioxidants have a particularly strong effect in the detoxification organ. Taking it also reduces the amount of oxidized LDL cholesterol, which is very harmful to vascular health. The storage of triglycerides in the liver cells also decreases. Maitake mushrooms on white backgroundAlpha-glucan from maitake has a hypolipidemic effect, which means that it promotes the conversion of cholesterol – and LDL in particular – into bile acid. With its regulating influence on the metabolism, maitake not only relieves the liver in general, but also reduces the risk of developing a fatty liver and can help to get rid of annoying pounds.

Uric acid in large amounts can act like an endogenous toxin. It is produced as a waste product during metabolism and promotes the development of gout, for example. Maitake eliminates this danger by lowering uric acid levels, thus helping the body to detoxify naturally.

Like all vital mushrooms, maitake also promotes the body’s own defenses. The beta-glucans of the D-fraction contained in it have proven to be particularly efficient in this context.


Cordyceps contains several ingredients that are significant for mycotherapy: cordycepin, mannitol, ergosterol, and various polysaccharides, among others. Mannitol in particular has a diuretic effect, i.e. increases urine formation. However, this also includes the excretion of urinary substances, which is an important function of the kidney. Cordyceps has been shown to increase the filtration efficiency of the glomeruli in the kidneys and thus creatinine excretion. At the same time, cordyceps protects the kidneys from damage caused by antibiotics or contrast agents. Especially due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of the contained cordycepin. In addition, this ingredient has antifibrotic properties for the kidneys, liver and lungs. So we can say that this vital mushroom is a supporter of the detoxification organ kidney and thus promotes kidney health.

Image of three dried cordyceps mushrooms on white backgroundTo some extent, it also protects the lungs, through which we can also release toxins, but above all also absorb them. In particular, the antioxidants and beta-glucans from cordyceps have a very positive effect on the respiratory system.

By the way, because of its generally quite strong antioxidant effect, cordyceps is often referred to as an “anti-aging mushroom”. This reputation is further supported by its cholesterol-lowering, nerve-protecting and libido-enhancing properties.

In addition, the ingredients of Cordyceps help balance the immune system. Those who take the vital mushroom will not only detoxify more naturally over time, but also feel more powerful. Cordyceps is able to increase the formation of the body’s own energy units “ATP” – in the liver cells even up to 50%!

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Dried reishi mushroom image on white background

With its triterpenes and ganoderic acids, reishi regulates cholesterol levels downward. It primarily promotes the elimination of fat-soluble toxins and purifies the blood. It is also considered a vital mushroom for liver health, as it protects and supports it in its work. This means a great help in natural detoxification.

It helps the immune system with its beta-glucans, among other things. The intestine, in turn, benefits from its prebiotic properties, which not only support healthy intestinal flora, but can even alleviate the symptoms of leaky gut. Here, the Reishi also has something to counteract the after-effects of toxin exposure.


Image of sliced Hericium mushroom on white backgroundFrom the list of beneficial ingredients must be mentioned in this vital mushroom especially the Erinacine. They are benefactors of the nervous system as they stimulate Nerve Growth Factor (NGF). As a result of taking Hericium, one can relax better and sleep more deeply. Even the ability to concentrate experiences an increase.

In addition, Hericium nourishes the mucous membranes in the intestine. In case of damage, it promotes their regeneration – not least due to its anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, Hericium has a prebiotic effect and is often recommended in cases of leaky gut.


In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Polyporus is known as the perfect vital mushroom for regulating fluid balance. Similar to cordyceps, it also has a diuretic effect. The ergosterol and mannitol contained in it promote the excretion of excess water. As a result, edema decreases, kidneys and bladder are flushed, and toxins are flushed out. Moreover, polyporus has a positive effect on the lymphatic system, which also plays an important role in natural detoxification. The vital mushroom stimulates lymphatic flow and prevents congestion.

Dried polyporus mushroom on white backgroundLike all vital mushrooms, Polyporus has antioxidant properties, which are so indispensable, especially when detoxifying. Particularly interesting are the contained ingredients polyporusterone A and B. Through them, this mushroom develops a positive effect on skin and hair. They stimulate hair growth. It is not uncommon to find increased hair loss as a symptom of toxin exposure. At the same time, it increases the level of glutathione in the body. The medicinal mushroom also counters an increased risk of disease due to toxin exposure with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial ingredients.

Important criteria for the selection and purchase of medicinal mushrooms

Now we have described in detail why vital mushrooms support you so well to detoxify naturally. However, fungi also extract toxic substances from their environment during growth. In the process, they absorb and store the toxins. For this reason, it is very important to pay attention to the origin of vital mushrooms. Ideally, they come from a breeding that complies with the German organic guidelines, as these are among the strictest in the world. So you can be sure that you buy uncontaminated mushroom powder. If breeding conditions are unclear, there is a risk of loading your body with even more toxins.

Besides the origin, it is also important that the preparation is powder from the whole mushroom. Only then are all the ingredients we have reported here actually included. Image of a jar with mushroom powder capsules next to a fresh Pleurotus mushroom on white background.By the way, powder in capsules has proven itself many times over because it is easy to transport, store and dose. In order for the vital mushroom to be processed into powder, it must be dried. This may only be done at temperatures below 40° Celsius. At higher temperatures, important enzymes break down.

Conscientious manufacturers provide information on all the above points or will provide you with information on request. If you are now wondering which vital mushrooms are suitable for you at all, with which of the mentioned specimens they should detoxify naturally, please feel free to consult our experts. Each person is unique and so there are a wide variety of variables to consider when selecting mushrooms as well as dosage.


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