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Natural remedy against flu - effectively counter influenza with medicinal mushrooms

January 28, 2022
Dr. Dorothee Bös et al.

High season for colds and the far more dangerous flu infections is the cold season. According to projections by the Robert Koch Institute, up to 10,000 people die each year in Germany alone as a result of infection with the common seasonal flu viruses.

Vital mushrooms strengthen the immune system and reduce the viral load

High season for colds and the far more dangerous flu infections is the cold season. According to projections by the Robert Koch Institute, up to 10,000 people die each year in Germany alone as a result of infection with the common seasonal flu viruses.

The best protection against colds and flu viruses is a strong and powerful immune system. If the body’s own defenses are intact, then our organism is quite capable of warding off or effectively combating the threatening pathogens.

A healthy lifestyle with plenty of exercise in the fresh air, relaxation and a balanced diet are considered beneficial. In addition, we can also support our defenses very effectively with medicinal mushrooms. Both the experience of naturopathy and scientific studies prove its regulating and strengthening effect on the immune system.

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Antiviral medicinal mushrooms

Close up of a Coriolus versicolor growing in natureThe medicinal mushroom with the strongest antiviral effect is the Coriolus versicolor (butterfly charm). The pharmacologically active ingredients it contains, such as the polysaccharide Krestin, activate cellular defenses. This leads to the increased production of killer cells in the body to fight viruses and bacteria. Due to its antiviral and immune-boosting properties, the medicinal mushroom Coriolus, taken in the long term, is also a natural alternative to the usual flu vaccination. Since strengthening the immune system requires a certain amount of time, taking the capsules over a period of several months is necessary.


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